




Before the maintenance of the copper image, the first step is to dust the copper image. Generally, it can be wiped with a cloth or a soft bristle brush. If there is no copper rust, it is only necessary to maintain it, the best way is to wax and polish it. Melt wax at a temperature of 50 or 60 degrees, blow dry with a blower and polish with cotton cloth. The rusted bronze image is relatively complicated.
生锈的铜像要用脱脂棉浸双氧水除锈,一般都能擦拭掉。在锈蚀严重部位则用浸了双氧水的脱脂棉敷上,敷几分钟后再擦,除锈效果非常明显。盖土网 防寒布 麻绳 油麻绳 麻刀 沥青麻绳 静压造型线 自动浇注机 铸铁拍门 钢制拍门 玻璃钢拍门
Rusty copper image should be degreased cotton soaked with hydrogen peroxide to remove rust, generally can wipe off. In the severely corroded part, it is applied with the absorbent cotton soaked with hydrogen peroxide, and then wiped after several minutes. The rust removal effect is very obvious.
For the copper rust which grows in the clothing crease, carving gap and embedded in the writing and painting, it also needs to be handled by a small grinder, and the copper rust in the seam shall be cleaned carefully. For the hard and thick rust shell of the bronze image, the rust shell on the surface can be removed with a knife (poplar or PV material can be used), and the rust shell on the surface shall be removed gently, so as not to leave the knife pattern on the surface of the bronze image


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