




钟和鼎一样,也是统治阶级王权的象征,“钟鸣鼎食”就是权势地位的标志。悬挂编钟,有严格的礼乐制度规定:天子宫悬(四面悬钟)、诸侯轩悬(三面悬钟)卿大夫判悬(两面悬钟)、士特悬(一面悬钟)。封建统治者铸造巨型铜钟象征王权,这种钟也叫“朝钟”,“视扭王块模具 高铁遮板模具  保定室内设计培训 保定平面设计培训朝,官出署,必用以集众。”钟也是人们心目中崇高、公正、贤明的华夏文明的象征。伟大的爱国诗人屈原“黄钟毁弃,瓦釜雷鸣”的著名诗句,就是这种象征的反映。
Like the tripod, the bell is also the symbol of the ruling class's kingship. The bell rings and the tripod eats is the symbol of power and status. There are strict rules of etiquette and music for hanging bells: Tian uterus hanging (four sides hanging bell), Zhu Xuan hanging (three sides hanging bell), Qing doctor  (two sides hanging bell), and Stephen hanging (one side hanging bell). Feudal rulers cast giant copper bells to symbolize the monarchy. These bells are also called "Chao Zhong". They must be used to gather crowds when they look at the Dynasty and leave the office. Zhong is also the symbol of noble, just and wise Chinese civilization in people's minds. The famous poem of the great patriotic poet Quyuan, "Huang Zhong abandoned, Wa Ke thundering" is a reflection of this symbol.
Since the Tang Dynasty, the feudal rulers of all dynasties have competed to cast various bells of the court, Buddha, Tao and music, and the bigger the bells are, in order to achieve the purpose of consolidating their rule by demonstrating their status of theocracy and regime. In Yongle period of Ming Dynasty, the huge copper bell, which weighed tens of tons, reached the peak of its height in both casting technology and volume weight.


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