




So how to worship Buddha?
The key is to be sincere and respectful. Master Yinguang said: "if you want to get the real benefits of Buddhism, you must ask for it from the respect; if you have one point of respect, you need to eliminate one point of sin and increase one point of blessing and wisdom; if you have a very respectful, you need to eliminate one point of sin and increase one point of blessing and wisdom. "What do you mean by three pillars of incense and kowtow in front of the Buddha? Three pillars of incense: Jiexiang, Dingxiang and Huixiang.
The first pillar incense: in front of the Buddha to show determination to quit their bad habits and delusions; the second pillar incense: hope that they can settle down; the third pillar incense: pray that they can get wisdom. Abstinence, determination and wisdom are the methods of breaking the fans and enlightenment, and they are also a kind of causality. Only by giving up one's bad habits and delusions can one's mind be determined. Only when one's mind is determined can one's mind produce wisdom.
How can a person's heart settle down if he wants to get promoted, get rich, collect things, collect colors, beat people and fix people, sneak up and down, and "make friends and compete for profits"? If he is tired and has no time to meditate, how can he get complete wisdom? He kowtows three heads: one kowtows to show respect to Buddha (the enlightened one); two kowtows to learn from the enlightened one and wish to return to Buddhism; three kowtows to reflect in front of the solemn one Repent your mistakes and sins.


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