




铜马在我国具有悠久的发展历史,在陕西兴平茂陵出土的鎏金铜马高62厘米,长76厘米,重 25.55千克,是大汉朝大宛天马的艺术造型,马健壮肥硕,昂首嘶鸣,抬腿欲进,翘尾而立,富于动感,栩栩如生。在铜马的出土的过程中,还出土了众多的大型铜雕,雕刻精美绝伦,大型铜马厂,尽显苍苍历史艺术之美。
Copper horse has a long history of development in China. The gilded copper horse unearthed in Maoling, Xingping, Shaanxi Province is 62 cm high, 76 cm long and 25.55 kg heavy. It is an artistic model of Dawan Tianma in the Han Dynasty. The horse is strong and fat, with its head raised and neighing, legs raised and legs raised, and its tail cocked. It is dynamic and lifelike. In the process of bronze horse's excavation, many large-scale bronze carvings were also unearthed, with exquisite carving and large-scale bronze horse factory, showing the beauty of ancient art.
乾为龙,坤为马。龙马精神,就是像龙马一样精神。形容健旺非凡,小心谨慎,能屈能伸的精神。马在中华民族的文化中地位极高,具有一系列的象征和寓意。 龙马精神是中华民族自古以来所崇尚的奋斗不止、自强不息的进娶向上的民族精神。马体型饱满优美,四肢修长,皮薄毛细,步伐轻盈,力量大、速度快、耐力强。
Qian is a dragon, Kun is a horse. The spirit of dragon and horse is just like the spirit of dragon and horse. Describe the spirit of being vigorous and extraordinary, being cautious and flexible. Horse plays a very important role in Chinese culture, which has a series of symbols and moral meanings The spirit of dragon and horse is the national spirit that the Chinese nation has been advocating since ancient times. The horse is full and beautiful, with long limbs, thin skin and capillaries, light steps, great strength, fast speed and strong endurance.


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