




每个寺庙都有铜钟,其蕴藏的功德也都被人所知。最主要的原因就是要无数次去敲打,叩醒我们的三毒,叩醒我们无始劫来的欲望。铜钟钟意义深广,捐钟要万人参与, 万人受用,万人祈福。这不仅仅是众人拾柴,更是因为有这个大因缘的寄托。参与的人越多,功德利益就越大,受用的人就越多。这是众志成城,一种愿力的凝聚。这个愿望去经历千百年的风雨敲打历练,终有一天都能成器成佛。活着的人在敲打中开智慧,逝去的人在敲打中远离恶道。
Every temple has a bronze bell, and its merits and virtues are well known. The main reason is to knock countless times, to wake up our three poisons, to wake up our endless desire. The meaning of the bronze bell is profound and wide. The donation of the bell requires 10000 people to participate, 10000 people to be used and 10000 people to pray for blessings. This is not only because people gather firewood, but also because of this great fate. The more people involved, the greater the benefit of merit and the more people employed. This is a unity of will, a kind of cohesion of willpower. This wish to experience thousands of years of wind and rain beating experience, one day can become an instrument into a Buddha. The living open their wisdom in the beating, and the dead stay away from the evil way in the beating.
After listening to the bell for a long time, all living beings are happy to hear it and use it for their benefit. This is the greatest significance of the bronze bell. Zhong Shen's name is like a life-long life. It's not only merit and virtue to carve his name on the clock, but also to spread the happiness to more people as he wishes. Every wake-up is to work hard for the next wish.


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  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

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