




In the temple, we can see the Buddha statue at the same time, in the corner of the temple can also see the existence of copper bells. As a musical instrument of primitive society, the bell was made of wood, bamboo or pottery at that time. Later, with the rise of bronze culture, a large number of bronze bells appeared during the Shang Dynasty, which gave the bronze bell a richer cultural background. In ancient times, the bronze bell, like the tripod, was a symbol of the rights and status of the ruling class. Later on, the ancients often sounded the copper bell to warn people when something important or urgent happened. With the development of thousands of years, now the copper bell has added more modern elements on the basis of its own significance.
Copper bells are of great value. First of all, copper bells have valuable and rich historical materials. Ancient cast copper bells, in addition to carving some patterns, there are words or auspicious terms, or zuhehuati.89ix.comguandao.89ix.comhuanwanggui.89ix.compeidiangui.89ix.comdocumentary records. Therefore, ancient bronze not only provided valuable and abundant historical materials in the youle.89ix.comhuatiw.89ix.comdevelopment of characters, but also in ancient society, politics, ideology, literature and so on. At the same time, it reflected the superb technology of our ancient people. It is the quintessence of ancient Chinese craft and technology, representing the high level of technology such as casting, acoustics, mechanics, and so on. It is also a valuable material for studying traditional Chinese technology.


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