




Previously, the highest price of Buddha statue auction in China was about HK$120 million, which was also set by Sotheby's in Hong Kong in 2006.
The golden Buddha statues made in Yongle period are regarded as the most important works in the Buddhist world. They are famous for their exquisite casting techniques and rich golden skills. This statue is one of the largest existing bronze Buddhas in Yongle, and the largest bronze statue of "Sakyamuni Buddha" in the record so far.
From the artistic value of Buddha statues, the art of Buddha statues in Ming and Qing Dynasties reached its peak, even modern advanced technology can not be compared with it. The historical, artistic and cultural values of Buddha statues also determine their high market prices. Therefore, it also restricts the number of collectors who really collect religious and bronze Buddha statues.
The aesthetic tastes of overseas and domestic Tibetans are also quite different. The former is keen on high ancient Buddhist statues and Han Buddhist statues. In the auction market in Europe and the United States, Buddhist statues in the Northern Qi, Northern Wei, Sui and Tang Dynasties occupy the zhongyaogui.71ix.comzhenkongdai.37ix.com.cnshuitong.71ix.comdibanms.37ix.com.cn langan.37ix.com.cnbaiyangdian.37ix.com.cnmainstream, while domestic Tibetans are keen on pursuing Ming and Qing Buddhist statues, especially Palace Buddhist statues.
After 2000, the collection of Buddhist statues in China began. In 2001, the Yongle Royal Bronze Shakyamuni Buddha, which was auctioned by Christie's in Hong Kong, only traded for HK$2.27 million. The domestic reaction was cold. However, with the development of Chinese art market and the continuous improvement of people's understanding of works of art, the value of statue art of bronze Buddha was gradually recognized and excavated, and the market of bronze Buddha began to be continuously developed.


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

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