




Ancient bronze statues are worshipped in niches. They have long been exposed to human fireworks, sun and moon erosion. Especially, the surface of the bronze statues is dim in color, and the light reflected in the sun is gentle. New imitation and old treatment of copper cast Buddha refraction light is more dazzling; due to the limitation of the ancient production process, casting of the Buddha after the formation of meticulous sculpture techniques to deal with, facial expressions, clothing, base processing traces are clearly visible. Modern bronze Buddha statues are polished by using a mechanism to produce very regular traces of processing. Finally, it should be identified by olfaction. Ancient bronze Buddha statues can smell fireworks after long-term worship and fumigation; if buried underground for a long time, they can smell mildew and decay. Modern imitations smell chemical corrosion.
The bronze Buddha statue of the Qing Dynasty has a rounded and plump face, a generous face, exquisite five senses and vivid eyes. Coordination of body proportions, beautiful shape. There are many Chinese-style clothes with radial patterns, lively folds and wide silk. The ornaments on the chest are beaded and carved with exquisite delicacy. The bottom of the rosette is obviously flattened outside, and the lotus petal is regular and flat. Generally, it only covers more than half.


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  2. 联系人:李经理
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