




Copper Buddha statue maintenance and cleaning
Prepare coconut oil and distilled water to clean the statue of copper. First, we should pour a small amount of coconut oil on a clean soft cloth and gently wipe it, so it will help the maintenance of the bronze Buddha itself. The reason why the coconut oil is used is that the substance contained in the coconut oil does not cause the discoloration of the copper Buddha, which must be paid attention to.
It is also important to wipe the copper Buddha on a regular soft cloth with distilled water. At the same time, we can also add some mild soap in the distilled water to clean the dirt. For some corner, we can use a soft hair brush to deal with it so that we can clean and protect the copper Buddha. The.
1, silver method. With silver oxide and cuprous oxide contact closure of cuprous chloride exposure, to control the corrosion of copper sculpture to. To use the mechanical method, remove powdery rust, exposing the white wax of cuprous chloride. The silver oxide and alcohol are then transferred into a paste, coated on the cuprous chloride surface, and are placed in a wet environment to make it full to form cuprous oxide and copper chloride to cover the cuprous chloride surface. Both of them are stable salts, which are operated for many times until they are placed in high humidity environment without the corrosion point of powdery rust. This method is suitable for spots with localized corrosion and utensils with metal inlays.
2, benzo triazole three method. Benzoin three azole is a heterocyclic compound, which forms a stable complex with copper and its salts. It produces insoluble and solid transparent protective film on the surface of copper alloy, which inhibits and stabilizes the copper carving disease and prevents the erosion of water vapor and air pollutants. The organic solvents such as distilled water and toluene and acetone are used to remove the oil from the surface of the bronze statue, and then infiltrate into the benzo three azolol alcohol solvent, and the complex protective film can be formed. But benzo three azole is liable to be heated and sublimated and lose its protective function. Therefore, we should finally apply a polymer material on the surface of the bronze carving to make a protective film.


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