




The bronze culture through the ages of the vicissitudes of life, has become a modern Chinese bronze culture, influence on the later generation of very profound, copper crafts exhibition, fully proved the progress and development of the times. The value orientation of bronze culture is to follow the progress of the times in the development of Chinese culture has a long history of bronze, bronze culture is mainly displayed by bronze works, works in detail, are all aspects of art, sculpture art style copper as the highest form is frequently in the city streets, and people around and interact with each other. Mode of the development of bronze culture heritage depends largely on the related industry. Art is a noble state, bronze culture through the ages of the vicissitudes of life, has become a modern Chinese bronze culture, influence on the later generation of very profound, copper arts and crafts exhibition It proves the progress and development of the times
铜佛像分铸造和锻造两种工艺,佛像的摆放也不是随意而为,各种铜佛像的摆放要遵循佛教的一些理发规矩.如观音菩萨,象征着大慈大悲,救苦救难,应放置的方位是“坐西向东”,在家里不能向着厕所,房门和饭桌;而弥勒佛在摆放的时候要超过人的头顶,不可放的太低,方位靠西向东;释迦牟尼佛摆放应放在最中央,菩萨要放在释迦牟尼佛的左侧. 铜佛像摆放位置的好才能给人们带来好运与福气,因此我们摆放铜佛像一定要放在最佳位置,才能起到最好的效果.人们往往认为铜佛像造好之后只要从大殿或寺庙中放上就可以了,其实不然.
Casting and forging copper Buddha statues of two kinds of process is not placed at random, all kinds of copper Buddha placed some rules to follow. A Buddhist symbol of infinite compassion and mercy, such as Avalokiteshvara, should be placed to help those bearing "sit West to East", in the home not toward the toilet door and table Maitreya; Buddha to surpass the head placed in time, do not put too low, range on the west to the East; Shakya Muni Buddha should be placed in the most central, the Bodhisattva should be put in the Shakya Muni Buddha left. Copper Buddha position before they bring good luck and fortune to people, so we put the copper the Buddha must be placed in the best position to play the best results. People tend to think that after the copper Buddha made from the hall or temple as long as put on it, but in fact it is not.


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

版权 © 唐县铜雕生产厂  网址:tongdiaor.71ix.com 推荐:铜鼎,大型铜钟,铜佛像价格,大型铜鼎,仿古铜钟

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