




铜佛像一定要单独放置在干净的空地上,我们也可以在铜佛像上盖一层干净的布,这样不是亵渎佛像,因为可以防止灰尘的沾染保证了佛像本身的洁净,所以也算是对铜佛像的尊重了,同时还能有效的保护到铜佛像.定期的用软布沾上蒸馏水进行铜佛像的擦拭也算很重要的,同时我们也可以再蒸馏水中加入一些温和的肥皂进行污垢的清洗,对于一些无法擦到的角落我们则可以使用软毛刷进行处理,这样就能很好的对铜佛像进行清理及保护了.铜佛像分铸造和锻造两种工艺,佛像的摆放也不是随意而为,各种铜佛像的摆放要遵循佛教的一些理发规矩.如观音菩萨,象征着大慈大悲,救苦救难,应放置的方位是“坐西向东”,在家里不能向着厕所,房门和饭桌;而弥勒佛在摆放的时候要超过人的头顶,不可放的太低,方位靠西向东;释迦牟尼佛摆放应放在最中央,菩萨要放在释迦牟尼佛的左侧. 铜佛像摆放位置的好才能给人们带来好运与福气,因此我们摆放铜佛像一定要放在最佳位置,才能起到最好的效果.人们往往认为铜佛像造好之后只要从大殿或寺庙中放上就可以了,其实不然.
Copper Buddha must be placed in a separate clean space, we can also cover a layer of clean cloth in the copper Buddha, so not profane the Buddha, because you can prevent dust contamination to ensure the statue itself, it is also to the copper Buddha respect, but also the effective protection to the statues. Regular wipe with a soft cloth dipped in distilled water on copper Buddha also is very important, at the same time we can also add distilled water to wash with mild soap for dirt, for some can not wipe the corner we can use a soft brush for treatment, this can be very good for cleaning and protection of copper Buddha statues. Divided into two processes of casting and forging, the Buddha is not placed at random, all kinds of copper Buddha placed some rules to follow Buddhism. Barber as Avalokiteshvara, a symbol of great great sorrow, save Bitter rescue, should be the orientation of "sit West to East", in the home not toward the toilet, the door and the table; and the Maitreya Buddha to surpass the head placed in time, do not put too low, range on the west to the East; Shakya Muni Buddha should be placed on the center of the Bodhisattva to on the left side. Shakya Muni Buddha copper Buddha position to bring good luck and happiness to people, so we put the copper Buddha must be placed in the best position to play the best results. People tend to think that after the copper Buddha made from the hall or temple as long as put on it, but in fact it is not.


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