




The silver oxide method. With silver oxide and cuprous oxide contact closure of cuprous chloride exposure, the purpose to control the corrosion of bronze. To use the mechanical method, remove powdery rust, exposing the white wax of cuprous chloride. Then the silver and alcohol tune into a paste, coated on the surface of cuprous chloride, and placed in the moist environment, make its full role, the formation of cuprous oxide and copper chloride, covering the surface of cuprous chloride. Both are stable salts, so many operations, until the objects placed in a high humidity environment, there is no corrosion point of powdery rust. This method is suitable for spot shaped local corrosion objects and metal inlaid objects.
The three benzo triazole method. Three benzo triazole heterocyclic compounds, and copper and its salts can form stable complexes in the transparent protective film is formed on the surface of copper alloy insoluble and sufficiently strong, the bronze disease was inhibited and stabilized, to prevent the erosion of water vapor and air pollutants. With distilled water and toluene, acetone and other organic solvents, remove oil and dirt on the surface of bronze, immersed in the benzo three triazole alcohol solvent penetration, can form complex protective film. But three benzo triazole easily heated sublimation, lose the protection effect, so in the end should be bronze coated with a layer of polymer material, seal coating.
Lye soaking method. Will be placed in a half times of bronze corrosion in sodium carbonate solution, the copper chloride is gradually converted into stable copper carbonate, chloride ion is displaced into bronze leaching. The extract needs to be replaced regularly until the chloride ion does not appear in the extract. After that, the utensil is washed repeatedly with distilled water, and the lye is removed and sealed after drying. Only the alkali solution chloride is extracted, retains the colorful Malachite corrosion, does not damage the original bronze. The disadvantage of this method is that the replacement reaction time is long; in addition, the chloride is not only attached to the surface of the rust layer, but also penetrated into the deep part of the corrosion of the object, which is difficult to replace thoroughly.


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