




Bronze sculpture, sculpture is an important part of culture and art, but also add to the color and taste connotation to share for the city; cast copper sculpture art restoration, so popular with artists like. But at the same time, casting bronze sculpture is extremely easy to oxidation, so pay more attention to maintenance. Maintenance of sculpture, we should do every day what to do?
1、倒入少量的椰子油干净的软布上,擦拭整个室外铜雕塑。 这有助于雕像返回或留在最自然的状态。 椰子油不会褪色的雕像。
1, pour a small amount of coconut oil, clean soft cloth, wipe the entire outdoor copper sculpture. This helps the statue to return or remain in the most natural state. Coconut oil will not fade statues.
2. Clean the soft cloth, 2 cups distilled water and a tablespoon of mild vegetable soap to wash dirt away from the surface of the solution.
3、定期灰尘的雕像,每周至少一次。 太多的灰尘会损坏表面。 使用柔软,清洁的,干燥的布和灰尘的雕像彻底。 对于难以到达的地方,用软毛刷。
3 regular dust statues, at least once a week. Too much dust will damage the surface. Use a soft, clean, dry cloth and dust statue thoroughly. For difficult places, use a soft brush.
4、1汤匙混合成糊状。 盐,1汤匙。 面粉和1汤匙。 醋,直到你有一个厚浆。 应用粘贴到受损的雕像。 坐在雕像上的允许粘贴到五分钟,用干净的湿布擦拭。 使用干净的布擦亮的雕像。
4, 1 tablespoons mixed into a paste. Salt, 1 tbsp. Flour and 1 tbsp. Vinegar until you have a thick pulp. Apply paste to the damaged statue. Sit on the statue and allow to paste it for five minutes and wipe it with a clean damp cloth. A statue polished with clean cloth.
5、将一个柠檬切一半浸在盐。 擦柠檬的雕像,消除变色。 使用干燥,干净的布浅黄色的光芒后面的雕像上。
5. Cut one lemon into half and dip it in salt. Brush the lemon statue to remove the discoloration. Use a dry, clean cloth with a light yellow glow behind the statue.


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

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