




中国青铜器的发生,大概要比西方要晚1000到2000年, 关于中国青铜器的起源,现在目前还是一个谜,还是一个有待探索的课题。为什么中国青铜器能在青铜时代达到这么的高峰呢?经调查研究发现青铜器和它的功能是分不开的。中国古代青铜器的功能,用《左传》的话来说,就是八个字“国之大事,在祀与戎”。 Chinese bronze ware, it's about 1000 to 2000, later than the west wants about the origin of Chinese bronze ware, now is still a mystery, or a topic to explore. Why Chinese bronze ware can reach this peak in Bronze Age? After investigation found that the bronze ware and its function is inseparable. The function of the ancient Chinese bronze ware, in zuozhuan, the words, is eight characters "of the event, in si and si". 在青铜出现之前,武器主要是石和木的工具,这样的征战效果大家是可想而知的。所以,铜这种材料被人们发现和掌握以后,它用来作为兵器是理所当然的事情。因为这样的功能,所以青铜器被赋予了非常高度的艺术形式.而在中国,在早期,在青铜时代到来之前,也有一些锻造加工。但是青铜时代,基本上铸造,它的地位是绝对的。中国青铜器的发展,实际上我们说从公元前四千纪这样的萌生到公元前三千纪 它的青铜时代的到来,实际上一直沿用到20世纪,到我们最后一个帝王被赶出故宫。那个时候,在这之前,故宫还在不断地制造传统的中国青铜器。 Before there were bronze weapons mainly stone and wooden tools, this in effect was palpable. So, copper, after this kind of material was found and master it used as a weapon for granted. Because such function, so the bronzes have been given a very high degree of artistic form. In China, in the early days, before the arrival of the Bronze Age, there are also some forging processing. But the Bronze Age, basically casting, it is absolute. The development of Chinese bronze ware, in fact, we said that from the first four thousands of up to three thousand BC The arrival of the Bronze Age, it actually has been used to the 20th century, to our the last emperor was kicked out of the Palace Museum. At that time, before that, the Forbidden City is also in constant to make traditional Chinese bronze ware.


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