




近年来大型环境雕塑艺术的急剧增加,使人们越来越多地注意到铜雕艺术在人类社会中的基础作用。历史上从来没有一个时期象今天这样,如此大型和大量的铜雕艺术品出现在城市空间中。在建筑物的室内外,街道的边角或广场,走廊或楼梯口、林荫路和购物中心,花园、建筑物顶层空地,都能看到铜雕城市雕塑的存在。 The dramatic increase in the art of large-scale environmental sculpture in recent years has made people more and more aware of the basic role of bronze sculpture in human society. There has never been a time in history when such large and large bronze sculpture art appeared in urban space. In the interior and exterior of the building, the corner or the square of the street, the corridor or the stairs, the mall and the shopping center, the garden, the building floor space, can see the existence of the sculpture of the bronze sculpture. 关于环境艺术和它在人类社会中的作用的问题在史前艺术家那里很可能就已提出来了。他们在自己的山洞里描绘巨大的画面,古埃及人建造了令人敬畏的“司芬克斯”、金字塔、麦姆南的双面巨像更是历史上的壮举。但是,史籍上并没有关于这个问题被提出的记载。弄清楚艺术与环境的关系非常重要,像早期的那些艺术家创作的体量巨大的环境作品已在此地绵亘了数千年。 The question of environmental arts and its role in human society may have been raised by prehistoric artists. They painted huge images in their caves, and the ancient egyptians built awe-inspiring "stuffers", pyramids, and mimnan's double giants. But there is no record of the issue being made. It is important to understand that the relationship between art and the environment is important, such as the enormous amount of environmental work created by artists of the early years that has been here for thousands of years.


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

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