




那么如何对铜雕工艺品进行保护保养呢? How to protect the bronze carving arts and crafts?   ①氧化银法。用氧化银与氧化亚铜接触,封闭氯化亚铜的暴露面,达到控制腐蚀铜雕的目的。先用机械方法,剔除粉状锈,露出灰白色蜡状物氯化亚铜。然后将氧化银与酒精调成糊剂,涂在氯化亚铜表面,并置于潮湿环境中,使其充分作用,形成氧化亚铜和氯化铜,覆盖氯化亚铜表面。两者皆为稳定性盐,如此多次操作,直至将器物置于高湿环境中仍不出现粉状锈的腐蚀点为止。此法适于斑点状局部腐蚀的器物及有金属镶嵌物的器物。 The silver oxide act. In contact with cupric oxide and copper oxide, the exposed surface of chlorinated cupric was sealed and the purpose of controlling the corrosion of the bronze was achieved. First, the powder rust is removed by means of mechanical method. Then dispatch silver oxide and alcohol into a paste, coating on the surface of cuprous chloride, and put in damp environment, make its full role, formation of cuprous oxide and cupric chloride, covering the surface of cuprous chloride. Both are the stability salts, so many operations, until the object is placed in a high wet environment where the powder rust is still not present. This method is suitable for the object of speckled local corrosion and the object of metal inlays.   ②苯骈三氮唑法。苯骈三氮唑是杂环化合物,与铜及其盐类能形成稳定络合物,在铜合金表面生成不溶性且相当牢固的透明保护膜,使铜雕病被抑制并稳定下来,防止水蒸气和空气污染物的侵蚀。用蒸馏水和甲苯、丙酮等有机溶剂,清除铜雕表面泥土油污,然后浸入苯骈三氮唑酒精溶剂中进行渗透,即可形成络合物保护膜。但苯骈三氮唑易受热升华,失去保护作用,所以最后应在铜雕表面涂一层高分子材料,做封护膜。 Diazole. Three azole nitrogen heterocyclic compound, truxene with copper and its salts can form stable complex compound, generate insoluble in copper alloy surface and fairly strong transparent protective film, tripod for disease suppression and stabilize, and prevent the erosion of water vapor and air pollutants. With distilled water and organic solvents such as toluene, acetone, tripod for surface soil pollution, and then into three azole nitrogen truxene alcohol solvent penetration, can form a complex compound protective film. But benazole is easily sublimated and has no protection, so it should be coated with a layer of high molecular material on the surface of the bronze sculpture.


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

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