




清 铜鎏金燃灯佛像
弥勒佛作为兜率天的菩萨,在竖三世佛中是未来世佛,这种双重身份使其有了佛装与菩萨装两种形象。此像为佛装弥勒像,顶饰肉髻,额广平正,高鼻大耳,体现了智善合一的佛性。身着袒右肩式袈裟,衣褶简洁自然,表现出轻柔的质感,肉身泥金,更显其独特,全跏趺坐于双层莲座上。双手当胸结转法轮印。整体造像生动写实。 Maitreya is a buddhist bodhisattva, in the case of the Buddha of the future, and this dual identity gives him two images of Buddha and bodhisattva. This image is like the Buddha's maitreya, a bun with a wide flat and high nose, which embodies the Buddha's nature. Dressed in a topless and right-shoulder cassock, the folds are simple and natural, showing a soft texture, a body of mud and gold, and a unique, all-in-one sitting in a double lotus position. Put your hands on your chest. The overall image is vivid and vivid. 清 铜鎏金燃灯佛像 尺寸:34cm The size of Buddha's gold lamp: 34cm 估 价:RMB250,000-250,000 Estimated price: RMB250, 000-250,000 燃灯佛又译作普光佛、定光佛。在竖三世佛中是释迦牟尼的老师,释尊成佛就是由他授记的。此像面容和煦,双目平视,眉弓如月,肩部圆浑宽厚。身着袒右肩式袈裟,右肩覆搭袈裟一角,右手大拇指与食指做环状,余指竖展,左手施禅定印。全跏趺坐于莲座上。束腰台座仰覆莲瓣排列规整,上沿饰连珠纹。整体造型舒展流畅,体现出较高的艺术水平。 The light Buddha is also translated as the phobe Buddha. He was the teacher of sakyamuni in the Buddha of the third, and the Buddha was given by him. It is like a face and a warm face, and the eyebrows are as thick as the moon. Dressed in a topless, right shoulder, the right shoulder is covered in the corner of the cassock, and the thumb and forefinger of the right hand are in the ring, the left hand is on the vertical, and the left hand is the zen seal. Sit on the lotus seat. The lumbar table is lined with lotus petals, which are lined with beads. The overall styling is smooth and shows high art level.


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

版权 © 唐县铜雕生产厂  网址:tongdiaor.71ix.com 推荐:铜鼎,大型铜钟,铜佛像价格,大型铜鼎,仿古铜钟

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