




一般说来锻铜雕塑艺术是一门传统艺术,早在中国古代和中世纪的古罗马帝国,锻铜工术便已十分盛行。21世纪的到来,新技术、新工艺的更新发展,为现代锻铜艺术发展提供了更为广阔的舞台和发展空间。 Generally speaking, the art of forging bronze sculpture is a traditional art, which is very popular in ancient Chinese and medieval Roman empire. The arrival of the 21st century, the renewal of new technologies and new processes, provides a broader stage and development space for the development of modern wrought bronze art. 在现代设计潮流的影响下,锻铜艺术具有了现代视觉艺术的形式特点。由于铜容易被氧化,因此,室内展放要多于室外 。锻铜由于比较轻盈,适合作为浮雕的原材料。 Under the influence of modern design trend, the art of forging bronze has the characteristics of modern visual art. Since copper is easily oxidized, indoor displays are more than outdoor. The forgings are light enough to serve as the raw material for the relief. 铸铜的历史非常悠久,且技术成熟。铸铜雕塑的工艺要比锻铜复杂,艺术创作的复原性好,因此适合成为精细作品的材料,很受艺术家的喜爱,尤其人物雕塑最为常见。但其容易氧化,所以要多注意保养。 The history of casting copper is very old and mature. Cast copper sculpture craft than wrought brass is complex, the artistic creation of good recovery, therefore is suitable for the materials as fine works, is very popular among artists, especially character sculpture is the most common. But it's easy to oxidize, so pay attention to the maintenance. 首先最好是能够将城市铜雕放置在比较干燥的地方,避免处于潮湿的环境中,这样就能够防止其出现铜锈的情况了。其次,还需要用柔软的刷子对铜雕像进行清扫,保持干净整洁性,切记一定不能用过硬的刷子或是布进行清洗,这样会影响到铜雕塑的色彩,对其美观性有很大的损害。 First of all, it is best to place the city tripod in dry places, avoid in damp environment, so that it can prevent it from rust. Second, you also need to use soft brush to clean copper statue, keep clean and tidy, remember must not use hard brush or cloth to clean, this will affect the color of copper sculpture, the beautiful sex has a lot of damage.


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

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