





Tripod for culture is an important part of Chinese culture, in history who occupies the dominant position of Chinese culture, in every development period and cast the imprint of The Times. 


A historian said, the history of China is one of stone, copper's book. This literally, bronze culture is an encyclopedia of the Chinese abbreviations, copper products consistently throughout the entire civilization in our country, thus formed the unique culture, rich and colorful copper. 


Development began in the qing dynasty stagnation period, bronze sculptures art in Beijing, tianjin, and cover the whole of China, the late qing dynasty to the period of the republic of China is unique collection of Chinese painting, calligraphy, seal, inscribed in the integration of unique artistic category. 


Bronze sculptures throughout China's history, arts and crafts in the development process of formed its own unique artistic form, enrich the variety of bronze sculptures. At the same time of development, animal sculpture, character archways also accompanied by appear in our field of vision. 


Tripod handicraft production process is very exquisite, generally according to the requirements of customers, making clay, clay model is completed, the clay model again made silicone molds, then, start the next step. Made of precision casting material such as quartz sand sculpture shell, baked shell dewaxing, fire type shell, cast copper water, after water cooling copper finish making copper product broken shell, do color on the surface of a tripod for arts and crafts, anti-corrosion and other processing, complete tripod handicraft production, customer acceptance of the completed. 


  1. 河北文禄雕塑工艺品有限公司
  2. 联系人:李经理
  3. 手机:13930233028
  4. 地址:河北唐县田家庄工业区

版权 © 唐县铜雕生产厂  网址:tongdiaor.71ix.com 推荐:铜鼎,大型铜钟,铜佛像价格,大型铜鼎,仿古铜钟

友情链接:铜雕  大型雕塑  动物雕塑  铜鼎  铜雕狮子
